Tag Archives: Chesto

Kanye West – Touch The Sky (Chesto Bootleg)

Last time we heard from Chesto he was extending out on a weirder tip than the ushe. More experimental looping. We find ourselves there again when he takes to his favie track off Lord Yeezus’ Late Registration. It’s a touch more cheery alike his New Disco works but there is certainly a new something encroaching on his style. The funk be creepin. Listen, love and #TouchTheSky

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Chesto – M.P.D.G. (Manic Pixie Dream Gurl)

Vancouver’s Chesto is one to tend fairer toward New Disco in purer forms, the French House variety even. To date and rememory this is a more out of character Future Funk, Glitchy even adventure. A very pleasing surprise indeed. You can listen to this and the remainder of the #ENYABOYS COMP_001on which it appears HERE.

Chesto – Facebook | Soundcloud | Twitter

Luke Million – Arnold (Chesto Remix)

From all the things online from Chesto one can ascertain his affinity for weird interneting and New Disco. Internet love on it’s own more often than not leads to Skeletor dicker / Terminator & Predator killing former body building Governors. But when affinities like these two meet it’s pretty special, it’s lols and feel goods together, and that’s the right stuff to bring people together.

Chesto – Facebook | Soundcloud | Twitter

Patrick Alavi – Come 2 Me (Chesto Remix)

FC contributor Chesto came out with a crazy funky number the other day. Pretty well out of nowhere given that his last upload was “about 1 year ago” , thank you Soundcloud.. Says he did the remix to bring back some summer / beach lady vibes. Good call bro, good call.

Chesto – Facebook | Soundcloud | Twitter

Chesto & Yazid le Voyageur – Move Your Butt

Better late than never it is said. Last week FC contributor Chesto put out a sizzlin hot EP with a couple of his homies. All three names appearing on the EP released by PYT Records have their fingers deeply lathered in a knowledge of House and New Disco. They seem to have kept things real in the studio and are offering up the project as a free download.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/10167958″ height=”400″ iframe=”true” /]

Chesto Facebook | Soundcloud | Twitter

Future Classics Mix vol 7 | Mixed by Chesto

Here we have it. The long awaited volume 7, mixed by our own Chesto. As one our contributors it’s a real pleasure to have had him spend his time, talent and selection. The mix is comprised of all the new disco and funk you can possibly funk to. Check the flowingly soothing and love rich hour. The track list will be made available after 1000 plays.
[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/106766466″ iframe=”true” /]

Chesto – Bae Caught Me Sloppin

Old school Will Smith somehow is brought back upon play. It must just be the summer time vibe.. The tune starts that way, then, once you hit the mid section there is a very melodic sudo trap beat. It’s nice.
Follow Chesto.

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Chesto – I Know That Feel Bro

artworks-000026810619-f4a2kj-original Title alone merits a post.
[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/53124353″ iframe=”true” /]