After a good length hiatus New Delhi’s Ase and homie took to Eriykah Badu’s flip on Drakes flip on D.R.A.M. and threw in a lil post Malone for good measure. Free download for the masses.
MadStarBase – Facebook | Soundcloud | Twitter
After a good length hiatus New Delhi’s Ase and homie took to Eriykah Badu’s flip on Drakes flip on D.R.A.M. and threw in a lil post Malone for good measure. Free download for the masses.
MadStarBase – Facebook | Soundcloud | Twitter
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Tagged D.R.A.M., drake, Erykah Badu, MadStarBase, Post Malone
Can’t think of anything more adept to the times of music than this right now.. By a long shot. The legendary Erykah Badus 11 day old official leak ‘Phone Down’ , about one of the most predominant social issues of our times, beat-en by a Canadian producer. Montrealur x Torontonian The Kount on the flip. Free download for the masses.
The Kount – Facebook | Soundcloud | Twitter
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Tagged Erykah Badu, The Kount